Malia, Amelia, Evan, & Simon
This past Sunday, Evan was formally introduced to the world along with a few of his new friends. We gathered at the beach with friends and family to celebrate and bless all of these little ones with love and peace. A Hawaiian, Christian minister performed a traditional Hawaiian baby blessing where he anointed them with oil, and sprinkled salt water on their heads. Evan smiled the whole way through. My favorite part was holding him up and announcing his full name for all to hear. The dad's joined us up front as well as other little ones for the official welcoming ceremony. Sam was delighted and seemed in awe of this man. He got sprinkled with blessings as well.
Amelia and Nysa, Evan and Jenelle, Malia and Grace, Simon and Margaret
Showing our babes to the world and the world to our babes. And asking all family, friends, and community to help us care for these precious spirits.
The Moags, Carberrys, Halvorsens, & Machalas
My boys! being their mama!