Saturday, May 3, 2008

May Day Flowers?

This is what we woke up to on May first......six inches of more snow. (Just what we need.) Sam acted like it was his first time in snow all over again. He seemed to forget that we have already been through six months of white. California is looking more and more appealing everyday.

Sam gets to play with his new tricycle inside. Notice the helmet too, he wanted to take his nap with it on. Today it is finally sunny and warm and Sam got to take his trike outside. I hope the sun is smiling on you today as well.


Pence Planet said...

What a cutie! Sam sure looks alot like Russ in these pictures. I bet you are counting down the days to see the waves crashing and feel the warmth of the sun. I don't know about you but we are counting down the days for when we can see all of you. We miss you guys. Love,
Andy, Mary, & Elly

Pence Planet said...

P.S. I like your new template. If you hadn't noticed I had a hard time finding one I liked.