Sunday, May 9, 2010

Son's Day

Tonight as I was putting Sam to bed he said, "When is Son's Day?" Not fully understanding him I corrected, "You mean Sunday?"
"No, Son's Day. Then you can get me presents and make me hotdogs for breakfast and waffles too."
Sam, he's full of all sorts of great ideas.

The sons and I celebrating Mom's Day with a campfire, picnic, and bike ride at Caspers Wilderness Area.

Like father, like son. Seriously you must see how they have the same pidgeoned toed walk with an equal tendency to trip a bit.

Snuggly boys napping in the chariot.

You might notice Evan's first haircut. His hair remains white with one black spot still growing in the back.

We took a family shot on this same tree last Mother's Day. Thanks my boys it has been a sweet one.


Russ and Julie said...

It looks like you had an amazing mother's day! You're so lucky to be surrounded by so much love. We miss you and can't wait to see you next week! Love to you all!

Pence Planet said...

I love the pic of you and the boys, it is so telling. It sounds like you had a great mothers day. Sammy is so clever, "son's day" his mind is sure thinking all the time. Love and miss you all tonz.

The Minert's said...

Looks like you had a wonderful mothers day...I can't wait to see you guys this summer, it is going to be so much fun seeing all the kiddos together! I can't believe sam is 4! Wow, what a big boy! xo Summer

Kati said...

Sam is such a little character! I can totally here him saying that. I think you guys should use the family photo for your holliday/christmas card pic!

Love you guys.