Monday, July 30, 2012

To Time, With Love

Dear Time,

If we may, we'd like to ask if you could possibly slow down? You're here, then you're gone. And the extra special moments come and go so fast with you. Who knows if we'll ever get all the cousins in one spot like this again? With grandpa sitting at that exact spot, with the grandkids in that exact same pose, having that much fun?

We're glad you allowed us to be there to grab a quick still. These moments in you, Time, make us appreciate being parents.

Thanks again. And please, try to slow up, just a little.

All the best as you move forward,

The Carberry's

1 comment:

Cindy Zickgraf said...

Great picture of Grandpa with all the kiddos. Time is going by so fast, hopefully by writing your letter it will feel inclined to slow down for you! Adam keeps on telling me this is the pace for awhile so get used to it. In the prime of motherhood, welcome:)