Thursday, December 18, 2008
Love the Grandmas
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Meet Our New Little Man
Dad and his boys.
Thanks for all of your love and support. We look forward to sharing him with most of you during the holidays. Until then we'll keep the updates coming......
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.- Melody Beattie
Happy Thanksgiving family and friends! We have been thinking of all of you. We spent the beautiful late morning at Crystal Cove Beach intending to have a nice walk, but due to the incredible temperature ended up playing and napping on the sand. Later, we shared a marvelous feast with our friends Jeff and Nysa. (Nysa's mom did all of the cooking, so I was able to simply relax and enjoy.) Sam loved the feast, particularly the pumpkin pie with whip cream. As my boys are already fast asleep, I just wanted to take a moment to marvel at some of the blessings in my life:
- family-what a gift to create a family with someone you love. I also find it fascinating how the immediate family unit shifts throughout the generations.
- little ones-from the first breath to the present is so rich with life. This fullness is sometimes more challenging than anything I have experienced, yet it is this struggle that brings so much joy.
- health-this body, this mind, this spirit, this breath, this earth, this sky, this sun, this moon, this ocean, this mountain, this bird, this flower....we are all connected. I am in awe of the female body through pregnancy and labor doing exactly what it is designed to do, and so thankful for the tools and trust that have been passed down to me from my mother.
Blessings to you on this beautiful Thanksgiving Weekend.........
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Camping in November
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Belly
My dear friend Kate (we did our yoga teacher training together) was just in town and took these photos. She thinks the belly holds another boy, at least she keeps calling it "he".
Monday, October 20, 2008
Future Kayaker?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Potty Mouth
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"Happy Birthday Kati"
Also sending big bear hugs to Grandma and Grandpa Carberry. Thanks for coming to visit. We miss you already. Enjoy some of our photos from the beach:
Sam loved all of the extra attention. Due to this, Sam decided he should start waking up at an earlier hour (6:30 am regardless of when he goes bed). Every morning he would go knock on the grandparent's door and say, "Sammy wake up." Luckily they would play with him and let us go back to bed. Kids need grandparents around and so do parents. Sending love to all of our family and friends.....
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Really Big Birthday Boy!
While dad was surfing, Sam found some new friends to play with. Sam is always looking for the kids.
That evening we went over to our friends place which is conveniently located right on the beach. In Sam's eyes a birthday party wouldn't be complete without cake and candles.
Sam rallied into the evening and took only a short nap in the car. You think he would've crashed that night....if we were only so lucky!?
If you have forgotten Sam's contagious laugh, this will help you remember.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Glimpses of Cali
The oranges here are amazing. Sam finished two and still wanted more. The juice was running down his face and hands.
This trail is close to our place. We call it the snail and lizard trail due to all of the little creatures we find along the way. It also provides a great view of the ocean. As does the photo below which is our street directly out from our driveway.
This is our new home. The middle garage is ours and our front door is along the right side of the house.
So we'll leave you with a clip of Sam runnnnninnng. He loves watching this over and over again. A lot of the parks around here have grassy hills so he has been taking advantage playing on them. Another favorite is to roll him up in a blanket and then push him down the hill. Believe it or not he can't get enough of this and therefore I have to redirect his attention so that he doesn't get sick from all of the spinning. Notice in the video that Sam always finishes with a crash. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Our Backyard (hooray!)
We are enjoying the added features of our new place, namely a garage and a backyard. I don't think that we'll ever be able to do without these again. Sam now has a small pool to play in, concrete to ride his trike on, and simply a place outside to run. We are refinishing some chairs that were left back there and looking for a nice deal on patio furniture. This is taking precidence over the inside because of the optimal temperatures most of the year here. Now ladies, you can see that I do indeed have a belly. Joe seems to think that I am a lot bigger than I was with Sam. I'm not completely sure about that, but I do know that I feel different (mainly more tired, nauseated still sometimes, and the occasional headache). Hmmmm....maybe a girl... however I continue to go back and forth.
All of these photos were taken by my dear friend Jenna Biggs who came and stayed with Sam and I while Joe was away for work. As you can see, she's a professional. She called this one "Meeting of the Minds". I think that Sam was actually trying to attack me here (a.k.a. pinch my face and grit his teeth).
Sam loves the water. He is perfectly at ease relaxing on his back. He often hangs out like this in the bathtub.
My little baby! He enjoys it when I wrap him up and hold him like he was still my little baby.
What a handsome boy. He often asks to go to grandma's house, or to visit his friends in Steamboat. I tell him that we would have to go far away on a plane. He's always up for it. His usual response: "Let's go!"
I wish we could. Thinking of you all.....Jenelle